Michel Teló is accused of breaking into a place to record clips.


Michel Teló is accused of breaking into a place to record clips.

Singer Michel Teló was charged in the Justice of São Paulo by the owners of a farm in the district of Catuçaba, in the capital of São Paulo. The plaintiffs of the action allege that the judge of 'The Voice Brasil' and his team would have invaded the site to record video clips released from 2020.

To columnist Ancelmo Gois, from the newspaper O Globo, the owners informed that they did not give permission to access the site. They ensured that the recordings of the clips “O Tempo Não Espera Quero”, “Sonhos e Planos”, “Para Ouvir no Fone” and “Verão de um Amor Caipira” took place inside the property.

The owners' request is for R$ 100,000 in compensation, plus material and moral damages. The case is in the São Luiz do Paraitinga Forum.

In a note, the press office of Thaís Fersoza's husband stated that he did not receive any notice about the process by which the singer is accused: "The office of singer Michel Teló comes through this to clarify that it has not received any information, quote or notice about the process by which the singer is being accused of using a site to record videos without authorization. Therefore, we have nothing to declare about the same.”