Thaila Ayala used her social media to make a long rant about the criticism she has been receiving since giving birth to Francisco, her first child with actor Renato Goés. On the morning of this Sunday, January 9, the actress published a video on Instagram and said that the message was “stuck here for a long time”.
“Hi, I even wore a cute outfit to try to talk to you. I swear I thought about the clothes because this video, without a doubt, is the most important I've made so far, sharing my experience as a mother with you. This video is for all of you, who incredibly, for the most part, are women and, even more amazingly, mothers,” she began.
"Yea! You who think you know what is absolutely right and what is right and everything else is wrong, you who think that the best you could do and give to your children is the absolute best for everyone else. Just tell you one thing, being very calm and patient. It is not! [screams and laughs] Sorry! Because you are completely different from me, your child will be completely different from mine. Thank God, we are individuals, unique, there is no one mother like the other, as there will be no child like the other. What is right for you may not be right for me, what is wrong for you may not be for me, for your neighbor, for your mother, for your colleague,” she argued.
She also said that she received the praise of a friend and reinforced that there is no absolute right. “So, like… And it probably won't be because there is no absolute truth, there is no absolute right, no absolute wrong, everyone gives what they can. The other day a friend of mine said: 'congratulations on the best mother you can be, that you are managing to be'. And that's exactly what it's about. Each one gives what they have, what they can.”